According to their website, New Belgium Brewing created Skinny Dip in an attempt to create a “highly drinkable beer for after workouts.” Since I’m fairly well known for my prowess at the gym, as well as my love for completely negating my workout by pumping beer into my stomach after pumping iron, I had a positive impression of Skinny Dip before I’d even taken my first sip!
As it turns out, New Belgium offers an assortment of beers. You may be familiar with their most popular product, an amber ale dubbed Fat Tire. While there is nothing wrong with drinking their flagship brew 365 days a year, Skinny Dip maintains an important niche as their seasonal summer offering. It’s easy to tell this beer apart from the rest on the first taste – it really brings to mind a summer afternoon or evening! I noticed an initial citrus, almost tangy-like flavor followed by a crisp finish. The taste of hops was definitely noticeable, but not overwhelming and not enough to make the beer overly bitter. It was light enough to quench my post-workout thirst while not filling me up too fast.
While I am no beer expert (evidenced by the lax use of ‘beer-tasting’ terms in the previous paragraph), I hear there are three things that matter most to a beer: the initial taste, the ‘body’ of the beer, and the finish. In my opinion, Skinny Dip balances the three very well. In fact, the only drawback about this beer is the fact that after it’s gone, you have to wait until the following summer to buy it again! Everything about Skinny dip — from the provocative picture on the front of the label, to the crisp finish — makes for a delightful combination that I would recommend to everyone! First-time beer drinkers (of legal age, of course), to well-seasoned connoisseurs alike!